Chaos Dance Of Hundred Ghosts

Is there something wrong with this girl? What's going on with her orgasmic expression? Li Xianyu thought that there was something wrong with You Mengyu's personality. But he didn't know her well and could not comment on it. During this period of time, when he joined the demon descendants community, he had met many messed-up people. Thus, a problematic personality was nothing. There was someone with holes in her brain sitting behind in the same car.

"It's a little far, about two and a half hours away." You Mengyu turned on the music, and a soothing melodious tone rang in the car.

"Handsome, you are new right? I saw that you were only a trainee staff in the documents. Why did you follow two seniors to take part in this mission?"

Li Xianyu thought about it and replied, "My ability is to heal myself, and I can block knives and bullets at a critical moment."