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Naturally, the Blood Devil's power was not something that You Mengyu could compete with. As You Mengyu's voice rang, at the same time, Blood Devil dealt a roundhouse kick, shattering her light sword and kicking her slender waist.

You Mengyu's petite frame was kicked out like a ball, and smashed into a wall, breaking it. The mud clattered and buried her.

Blood Devil sneered disdainfully. It was a short fight and he had judged the strength of the girl. She was probably Baoze's intermediate staff. It was not easy to have such power at her young age, but she was facing an enemy like him. Such insignificant strength was far from sufficient.

His kick didn't show mercy just now. The girl should not be able to get up.

He thought so but saw the mud roll off. The girl got up, a corner of her branded T-shirt was torn, showing fair skin and black shoulder straps.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts… I was treated so cruelly again." The girl hummed as she groaned.