
Li Xianyu's face was ferocious at this time, with hatred and murderous intent surging in his eyes.

This was the first time in his life that he felt raging murderous intent. He wanted to personally rip the enemy in front of him into pieces. Of course, it was the same if Great-Grandma had done the ripping.  

Compared with the Chungking Village encounter, the previous handling of a few vengeful spirits, American young man Ryder and Long Aotian's virtual world, and the Japanese kappa, it could not be compared to tonight's battle to the death.

He was already overwhelmed with a desire to kill.

Li Xianyu knew for a long time that Great-Grandma would come. Before she took the flight to Yucheng, Great-Grandma called and said that things were settled, so she would go back to Shanghai. Li Xianyu was just about to go out on a mission, so both of them decided to meet in Yucheng.