What Did You Poke Me With?

This guy is teaching me how to flirt? I, a pervert who has been through countless battles, is now despised by a virgin?

Virgins are like this. It's because he had never flirted with a woman, so he thought it is very simple to move a woman by doing something for her. 

He likes to act as a domineering CEO, likes to pretend to be cold and solemn. He probably read too much typical novels or movies but lacks experience, so there was a misconception.

To give the simplest example, before Li Xianyu had to take care of Great-Grandma, Li Xianyu made an appointment with a beautiful lady of good quality. He spent thousands of dollars on her, racked his brains to flirt with her. When the beautiful lady received a gift from him, she looked incredibly touched. After they had sex, she said seductively and blushed, "Husband, I can't leave you anymore."

But so what? She never contacted him again.