The Seven Cardinal Sins

"What dragon pearl? This is my ancestral Black Water Spirit Bead." Li Xianyu sat up as he supported himself with his arms. Although it still hurt, it was much better than the excruciating pain that seemed to tear at his heart and lungs just now. He looked down at his body at this time. "Tsk, what a disgusting thing. What the hell are you, exactly?"

There's no mistake, that's it. He saw it in the Demonic Priest's memories. When he forged the sword of qi, the Demonic Priest took off his robe, and his body was almost completely covered with this disgusting thing.

It crawled all over his body body like mucus, and the surface of the skin was bulging with red blood vessels, looking ferocious and ugly.

"Hey, since you know I'm formidable, get out quickly." Li Xianyu said, "Let's bid each other farewell, see you next time?"