Extract Confessions


After the ugly left hand held onto her shoulder, the white-robed woman suddenly felt a chill on her back, as goosebumps erupted all over her body.

"Ahhh…" The white-robed woman's voice sounded strange. She leaned softly against the wall, and after a full three-minutes of afterthought, her soul returned to her body.

"Is it good? If it's good, can you tell me something useful?" Li Xianyu retracted his left hand.

"What did you do to me? What did you do to me?!" The white-robed woman screamed out in terror. It was too creepy, she actually unconsciously… 

Li Xianyu thought about it and touched his chin, "Strictly speaking, it's an ability that benefits women."

The white-robed woman was confused.

Ten Points Real Man and You Mengyu were shell-shocked the whole time. What just happened? Who can explain what just happened?