Black Air

How rare. Ice Shards seldom contacted him.

After Li Xianyu decided to break free of Ice Shard's clutches, the relationship between the two siblings deteriorated. After Li Xianyu moved out to live alone, he seldom went home. Also, his sister was constantly travelling. They hardly met, let alone talked over the phone.

There was really nothing to say. Li Xianyu couldn't help but feel guilty and cowardly in front of her. Sometimes, he even trembled. Even after so many years, even with his power now, the trauma of his childhood was still deeply rooted in his heart.

"Your father is dead. He's waiting for you to come to the funeral parlor." The voice of Ice Shards was not soft. It was clear and cold, but it sounded very abnormally pleasant.

One could imagine what kind of woman she was just by listening to her voice.

"Pui, what nonsense." There was an angry rebuke over the phone.