A Storm

After Liu Mei finished speaking, the group of snakes raged. Their murderous intent was like tumultuous waves and landslides.

In the face of the agitated Liu family, Li Xianyu frowned. The sequelae of Gluttony were too strong and Great-Grandma was not around to suppress Slime. The consequences of activating Gluttony were very dangerous, and he was most likely to fall into an irreparable abyss.

But it was his only chance at the moment. Liu Yao was here to help, so he couldn't cause her to die here.

There was no doubt that he was framed tonight. Not to mention he didn't know it was a trap, even if he knew it, he had to jump. He couldn't joke around with Ice Shard's life.

Although his sister often put him in his place, she was still his sister, no matter how bad her personality was.

"Let's be merciful and lenient… We are all civilized people, let's talk this over nicely."