My Head Hurts So I Can't Think Of A Chapter Name

Thunderbolt Battle Lady woke up several times in a daze, but soon fell asleep again. It took her three days to fully restore her consciousness. She didn't wake up naturally, but was woken up by the laughter of the Li family's great-grandma and great-grandson.

She tried to speak in a weak hoarse voice but it sounded like a groan. She felt pain in every joint and was unable to move a finger.

Li Xianyu, who was watching crosstalk programmes with relish with Great-Grandma, immediately put down his mobile phone and went to the bedside to greet her with concern, "You are awake."

Great-Grandma snatched the mobile phone, a dopey smile on her face, as she continued to watch the crosstalk programme.

Thunderbolt Battle Lady nodded slightly, her face so pale that she looked like a paper figure. She looked even more sickly than Lin Daiyu, a renowned sick beauty. Her lips trembled but still could not speak.