A Sad Story

Victoria had doubts in her heart but did what he said. The two sat very close to each other and they could feel each other's breath.

"Is that alright?" Victoria asked.

Li Xianyu nodded.

Victoria looked away from his beautiful face and her glance fell on his charcoal-black arm. After soaking in the water, the whole arm reflected the sunlight. It was like a pigmented skin disease and looked rather disgusting. A girl who was mentally weak would be creeped out in a glance, and the muscles in the left arm were significantly stronger than the right arm.

Slime was sleeping, and the ferocious blood vessels did not protrude from the surface of the skin. Otherwise, Victoria would never dare to be so close to him.

Foreigner girls from American demon descendants families were far more knowledgeable and were not surprised as they have seen weirder things. She stretched out her fingers and caressed his left arm.