Squeaks In Reply To Squeaks

"Cat?" Li Xianyu's response was a little exaggerated. He looked at Great-Grandma and said, "Great-Grandma, did you hear the cat?"

Great-Grandma nodded in silence.

In the middle of the night, it was not pleasant to hear a cat barking in the wild mountains. In fact, it was a bit eerie.

According to folklore, the cat belonged to the yin category, on the extreme end. It could walk between the yang and the yin. Therefore, it was born with the spirit of yin and evil. If it leapt over the heads of the dead, it would cause the corpse to become a zombie.

"If ordinary people were on the mountain, they would get sick when they hear it," Li Xianyu murmured, holding a flashlight, and walked out of the temple.

Outside the temple, the wind blew, leaves curled, branches rustled; the whole mountain seemed to be alive. The cat's voice was hidden in the wind. It appeared far and near, as if it was crying and complaining.