There's No Good End To Being A Lackey

The Big Red Rock was a barren mountain close to the coast. It was not so much a mountain, but a huge rock, standing proudly beside the sea. As the exposed rock was dark red, it was known as Big Red Rock.

There were few people here, for no one would come here at night.

Jia Zheng was looking around cautiously. His face is pale and his forehead was sweating. "Has the enemy left? I can't hold on any longer."

"There are six people 100 meters in front of us, four people at three o'clock, five people at nine o'clock… They didn't leave. They surrounded the land. That guy didn't listen. He's hiding. He's going to kill us anytime."

The person that spoke was Chu Lin. The law enforcement department's black combat uniform outlined her beautiful figure.