Was This Really An Aggrieved Spirit Only?

There was suddenly a strong wind outside, out of the blue. It was August, but the wind was cold and piercing. The windows with glass residue made rapid and disordered vibrations. All of a sudden, the sleeping hospital woke up.

Li Xianyu's breath was smothering. He experienced a kind of pressure that made it hard for him to breathe for a long time. The strong wind and the window frame made a sharp shriek. The wind blew at the girls' hair and their clothes, and the candle went out after a violent swaying.

At the moment when the white candle went out, Li Xianyu saw the shadow of Xiao You on the wall, which turned into two. The extra shadow was riding on her neck.

The ward was in total darkness.

"What's the matter? There was a strong wind suddenly." Xu Qingqing's voice was shaking.

"Maybe it's going to rain." Wang Sizhuo turned on the flashlight and went to the window. "The wind has gotten smaller, but look at the sky. It may rain later."