Li Xianyu

Seven young men arrived together, followed by a dozen bodyguards in sunglasses and suits. There was a large group of women behind the bodyguards. The magnificent scene was as if an idol group was on an outing, followed by bodyguards and fans…

Seeing them arrive, the girls who were queueing up were excited and took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

"The Shen family's young master, Shen Bi is my favorite type. He's like a domineering president. Wow, the ticket is worth it, the conference did not let me down indeed."

"Xu Ming's glance is so melancholic that I just want to cradle him in my arms and give him kisses."

"What era is it? A domineering boss and a melancholic man are no longer popular types. Gentle men are in trend now. Long live Wang Quan, Wang Quan is so gentle."

"Hmph, Shentu is the most handsome amongst them all, all of you are heretics."