Resolve The Conflict, Meet The Enemy

The mental storm even caused a ripple-like storm, sweeping through the auditorium, as the audience's clothes and hair billowed. Countless people cradled their heads and groaned in pain. Only those who were mental power awakeners could resist this storm, and few who were especially powerful were immune to it.

After they recovered, countless eyes stared at Li Xianyu, and there was complete silence.

What's going on?

Is that powerful mental power emerging from the Li family descendant's body?

Why does a twenty-year-old man have so much mental power? Is he a monster?

A lot of people felt like they finally knew the depth of the Li family descendant's ability at this point. From what he had just revealed, he was comparable to the top masters in the young generation, with the likes of Li Peiyun and Jie Se.