One Shot To Fame

Li Xianyu strolled around Lianghua temple while his harem was having a lot of fun outside. It felt like a scenic spot. Moreover, Lianghua temple is more simple. The main halls in the temple were not for tourists to visit, but for monks to meditate, chant sutras and sincerely worship Buddha.

There were only one third of the outsiders left in the temple. If they were to see Li Xianyu, they would stop to watch, or point, or whisper. Out of fear, no one dared to jump out to berate him, only talking behind his back.

Li Xianyu was famous again. It was just that he had a bad name. Shen Bi had been reduced to a vegetative state by him. With the downfall of a popular idol, his fans hated Li Xianyu. Others would think Li Xianyu was cruel. It was important to know that Li Peiyun, the new leader of the Ancient Gods Clan, was popular for another reason other than his appearance and the fact that he was Demonic Priest's descendant. He had never massacred anyone.