Li Xianyu VS Miyamoto Hideki

At 9:00 P.M., the night sky was clear, full of stars, at the courtyard where the Baoze staff were at. There were a few tables open, the largest one had people playing Texas poker. Sexy Great-Grandma was the one dealing out the cards.

She was overjoyed, for her great-grandson had won more than a hundred thousand and his fortune was great.

At a slightly smaller table, Thunderbolt Battle Lady, Cui Gua, and Hua Yang were playing Dou Dizhu. The long-legged beauty's face was iron blue because she had very bad luck. She had lost half of the half a million she borrowed from Li Xianyu.

"It makes sense that Elder Hua Yang won but why is a cat's IQ is so high?" Thunderbolt Battle Lady lost another round and angrily threw the cards on the table.

"Don't underestimate Cui Hua, she has lived for such a long time, she won't be stupid," Hua Yang replied.

"Can I have the money back….?" Thunderbolt Battle Lady said in despair.