Too Pitiful, The Scene Is Too Pitiful

"I also heard a benefactor talk about the past. I know a little about it. As for Priest Wang Zhen, I haven't heard of her. As for Priest Taisu, I heard that she was the treasure of Quanzhen. I heard it when I was a small bell ringer," Buddha Head said.

"Then, why is there no name of Taisu in any Taoist records…" Wang Zhen was Little Sister. Her age, just like her chest, was tender, and her fame was not as loud as that of Taisu. However, as for Sister Taisu, she was deleted just like this. The Taoists were a big sect, but no words of her were left behind.

Buddha Head shook his head, indicating he didn't want to say it.

Li Xianyu was boiling inside. It was only due to the fact that he could not beat him. Otherwise, he would have pummeled him. "That's not the point. You said a benefactor talked about the past, who was it?"