The Finale

The impression of Elder Huayu on Victoria came from the battle with the heirs of Li's family. Although Victoria had lost, Elder Huayu could see that the real level of Victoria was close to that of Jie Se and Dan Chenzi and was a top-ranking young master. Such a powerful young lady couldn't help but to draw her attention, so Elder Huayu had an impression of her.

Now, the situation was, how could this American lady from the Association of Superpowered Beings be her former "ally"? One was in Europe and the other, in America? Although it was not impossible, it was still too much of a stretch.

Is she really from the church? Or is she trying to lay a trap? Regardless, she can indeed manipulate the fallen angel.

Since this matter was related to such a critical secret, Elder Huayu dared not be careless. The sword in her hand was filled with qi, and the leaves in the dense forest started fluttering from the aura emitted.