Justice And The Overall Situation (II)

Lightning King stood up reluctantly. As the leader of Baoze's law enforcement department, he must take up the mantle to represent Baoze in this matter.

However, if he could, he would rather have not come to the conference. He came despite his busy schedule, to relax and see the game and comment on the young talents, to relax from the tense working state. Then, disaster struck him from the Heavens. What kind of rubbish issues were these?

Buddhists' refusal to participate in this matter and the fact that the big families were all on the sidelines were nothing surprising. This was like how when something big happened, the entire world would look at America and wonder, "Hey Uncle Sam, aren't you the global police? What are you doing now?"

Such responsibility would fall upon Baoze eventually. That was the price of being the boss.