Getting More Ferocious By The Day

Simple barracks, fences wrapped with barbed wire, dark brown land, piles of sandbags used for defense. Soldiers were in the Japanese uniform during World War II, holding the sanpachi-shiki hohei-ju… The scenery around them showed where this was the Japanese barracks.

Wang Chen fell onto the ground, injured and in a dishevelled state. He was not in good condition. Wearing handcuffs and fetters, the steel nails engraved with runes penetrated through the lute bone, and his solar plexus was also pierced by two steel nails, destroying his sea of qi.

He fell to the ground in pain, bleeding from several wounds, as if he had just been tortured.

Several people who were also subject to the same treatment, but who were treated better than him, surrounded Wang Chen. They inquired with concern about his physical condition.