Fate Cannot Be Changed, Goodbye

The white light disappeared, but the spectators were still seeing darkness. Those who were weak in cultivation had tears in their eyes and a sharp pain, just like the aftereffects of looking directly at the sun.

After a while, people began to recover their vision, and what appeared before them was a totally different ashram. No inch of land was intact.

The only person standing in the field was Li Xianyu!

"Li Xianyu, Li Xianyu! Why did he step into the fight?"

"Just now, Li Xianyu suddenly rushed over. I can't understand it at all. Why is Li Xianyu qualified?"

"Taoist Venerable has fallen." Someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"That kind of destructive power, how can a person have that kind of destructive power?"

"People in that direction are all dead"