Great Demons' Alliance

"This is the result of our interrogation of Earth Traveler Sun." Lightning King opened a video and handed the phone to Li Xianyu.

The video was set in a ward, where the interrogation presumably took place in this stronghold. Earth Traveler Sun was lying in bed, his face pale, and he was in electromagnetic handcuffs and demon-locking chains. A doctor in a white coat entered the video, injecting a small, dark red blood stream into Earth Traveler Sun. Within a few moments, the wounds on Earth Traveler Sun had healed and the light in his mung-bean-like eyeballs had rekindled.

"This recovery agent was developed by Baoze at a huge expense, and it cost two million dollars for such a small tube." The voice of the Lightning King rang. "I hope you don't waste these millions."

A few million, what bullshit. That's my blood… Li Xianyu continued to watch.