An Old Taoist Priest In The Mountains

Dan Chenzi looked up, expressionless, occasionally showing a smile. This made the girls smile and flattered.

The red tassel was wrapped around his wrist, and the wine pot was hanging under his wrist. Stepping on the mottled bluestone board, passing through hundreds of years old ancient halls and the most peripheral Hall of Immortal Liuren, he stepped down the mountain slowly on the stone steps mottled by years of corrosion.

He was the same, but Dan Chenzi gave people a different feeling when he was on the mountain, and when he was not. On the mountain, he was unrestrained. The warm sunshine shone on his warm jade-like face, and the corners of his mouth occasionally lifted.

In the world of mortals, one is supernatural.

With the cultivation of Taoism comes hundreds of years of carefree life.