Castration For A Permanent Fix

Sudden awakening?

Generally speaking, if beings who had no background managed to awaken, it was through the opening of the spiritual mind. However, it was far from comparable with that of the adult humans, and their intelligence would probably be under the age of 13.

In the years after awakening, intelligence and physical strength would continue to increase. Only when the benefits of awakening are completely over could they catch up with the IQ of ordinary adults. At this time, they still couldn't transform into humans.

There were many foreign species in the northeastern demon alliance that had awoken. However, at the beginning, they couldn't transform into human beings. Only by practicing qi and reaching a certain level could they become human beings, except for some talents. This little poodle couldn't be the last one.

Little brother, you're still playing games with me? "Have you heard of Baoze?" asked Li Xianyu.