Raising The Net

Madame tried to support her body, and when her feet landed, she nearly fell down. Fortunately, she was quick to respond, and she held onto the edge of the bed before she fell flat.

Li Xianyu chuckled.

Madame felt upset, but she dared not to be angry.

"Wait a minute. There's another question." When she reached the door, Li Xianyu suddenly asked.

The beautiful woman turned, her eyes looked confused.

"Between Heaven and Earth, the only truth is the Emperor. Who or what does the emperor mean?" Li Xianyu said in a deep voice.

"I don't know. The Great Demons' Alliance is tangled with the Ancient Gods Clan. Doesn't Baoze think that this is related to the Great Deities Palace? The Emperor may be referring to the ancient demons."

Li Xianyu's eyes flashed. "When did the company disclose to you that we suspected the relationship between Great Demons' Alliance and the Great Deities Palace?"