Big Guys, Come Gather Here

"Me? Me? Are you referring to me?" Yang Xiu was incredibly overjoyed as he trembled with excitement and could not help but wanted to shout. However, he was so nervous in front of the experts that his lips were trembling.

The two drivers glanced at Yang Xiu in surprise. Was this man of human descent a rare genius who is only seen in a hundred years? He actually received a high appraisal from Protector Eagle, that he would aid the entire Great Demons' Alliance greatly?

Yang Xiu's super power was fire control. After awakening, his physique and his mental strength did not improve much. In addition, fire-based superpowers were common superpowers in the demon descendants community. 

At present, no more than five people in the whole demon descendants community were famous for their flame's extraordinary abilities.

Such an average human demon descendant had received such high praise from Protector Eagle? Were they mistaken?