The Apex Of Strength

Bang! The sand armor covering Earth God's body cracked into fine sand and fell down. A slender long leg kicked his jaw and two front teeth flew out. The terrifying force made him fly high even in this enhanced gravity field. As soon as the armor was formed, it was attacked by the crazy eagle woman. The armor broke and turned back into a pile of sand.

"If it goes on like this, I am going to be killed by a single combo!" At the moment when the armor on the body collapsed, Earth God used his power to make the ground under the feet of Protector Eagle suddenly fluctuate. As she lost her foothold, Protector Eagle stumbled and her chained attack broke. Earth God took the opportunity to open up the distance.

"This girl's gravity ability perfectly counters me. Melee is not what I am good at. If I get careless, I am afraid that this great Earth God would fall here."