Can I Quit This Mission?

"Get lost!" Li Peiyun replied a few seconds later.

Li Xianyu spread out his hands. "It seems that this is Li Peiyun alright, so the address of the Great Deities Palace should be true."

"Ask him about the location of the Great Deities Palace directly," said Earth God.

Li Xianyu said, "Xiu'er, stop making trouble, just say it. I'm an engineering student. I can't understand these ancient scriptures."

There was no reply.


There was just silence.

"Let's just wait for the result of our employees." Li Xianyu put his mobile phone in his pocket.

Lightning King nodded and announced in the Ancient Demon app developed by the company: "We are holding an emergency meeting. All senior employees are to link to the network and enter video conferencing. Room 10."

He then turned on the device, connected the microphone. The ceiling video device started, the green light flashed, and the camera focused on the Lightning King.