Entrance Of The Great Deities Palace

Li Xianyu's dumbfounded expression was within their predictions. They were even waiting to see his expression. The S-classes smiled and looked at each other slyly.

Tian Hao frowned. "This nickname is definitely the brightest star among the ten gods of Baoze, mainly related to his powers."

Li Xianyu was interested. "How do you put it?"

Tian Hao poked Equal with a bamboo stick. "Equal God, do you want to let him experience it personally?"

Equal God smiled bitterly and waved his hand.

Food God explained. "Equal God's ability is a special field. It is to expand the field against the enemy. If the enemy is too strong, the field will suppress the enemy and stimulate his potential, so as to achieve a balance between the two sides. On the contrary, the field will increase the enemy's growth, while suppressing the enemy and balancing the two sides."

Li Xianyu was speechless.