Door Open

"Jie Se, eat some crab meat, it can supplement physical strength." Li Xianyu handed over a piece of crab meat.

Jie Se's white clothes had been stained red with blood. There were many wounds on his body. Fortunately, they were all slight injuries. Except for his disordered breath and his messy appearance, his foundations were not hurt at all.

When the Buddhist and Taoist experts clamoured to protect their disciples, Jie Se beared the burden of supporting the whole field. He ran wherever there was danger and blocked the attacks for the people of both religions.

Jie Se's dim eyes lit up as he spoke lightly. "Monks do not eat meat."

Li Xianyu murmured, "Rigid, boring, what era are you in? You still talk about these rules and regulations? How can Buddha Head, who's not serious, groom such a pedantic disciple?"

Jie Se stared coldly at him.