What Do The Grievances Between The Older Generations Has Anything To Do With Me

Li Xianyu did not know Ye Jun's vivid imagination inside his heart. If not as a super straight man, he would have exploded on the spot.

During the time he was growing up, because he was handsome and delicate, his classmates would often laugh at him for being gay. He would get confession letters from the pretty girl in the class, or was forced by a little powerful girl into a kabedon. The other boys that had a good relationship with him would pat his shoulders and say, "Good brother, let's be single together."

But actually he was really a truly straight man, and he was a straight man that liked women. So when it was this moment, compared to the complicated gazes of other men, Ye Ji had his guard up with his gaze all unfriendly. That made Li Xianyu feel more comfortable.

"Ye Ji, let me ask you something." Li Xianyu pondered, and was direct as he asked, "Do you think that I am handsome?"

"Stupid sissy boy!" Ye Ji rolled her eyes, and laughed coldly.