Kill You

"You're really obsessed with Li Xianyu. Is it because it's the first time?" God of War asked exasperatedly.

Li Peiyun was dumbfounded, and only then did he understand God of War's words. "Yep…"

Li Peiyun left home at the age of 15 and spent 10 years wandering outside, sharpening his sword techniques. It was not that he hadn't been defeated before, but those who had been defeated by him were left behind in the process of trying to catch up with him.

He had slain all his enemies with his sword.

It was not until more than two months ago, in Sanliban village, he met his fated… enemy. After that, he repeatedly lost in the hands of Li Xianyu and never managed to settle the score.

Li Xianyu was the first opponent to make him feel helpless.

"It's great that he's not here. If he's here, we got to run for our lives. It is not too late for a gentleman to gain revenge even after ten years." God of War glanced at him.