Have I Ever Walked Into Your Heart?

"God of War has died, and Li Peiyun ran away. I didn't think San Wu could kill him. The original plan was to deal with Li Peiyun quickly, and then cooperate with her to kill God of War."

"I don't know if you have realized this. Besides Baoze, there are people who are hunting for demon descendants that have entered the Great Deities Palace. Baoze and the major forces in the demon descendants' community have been fighting openly and secretly at the same time for many years. We all want to weaken each other. We are hunting for them, and they may be hunting for us as well."

"It's good to bump into you now. I dare not stop for a moment. It would be very dangerous if I met an opponent of the same level, given that she's with me."

On the spread out picnic cloth, Equal was eating a can of codfish and telling him about what happened.