Devastatingly beautiful

"Are these clothes for me to wear?" Li Xianyu was a smart person. He immediately guessed the three women's wild ambitions and refused loudly, " what disguise? what three great demonic techniques? they're all lies, right? you just want to see me cross-dress, right? "

"Women's clothing is an art." The pretty right protector with an oval face said excitedly.

Li Xianyu turned his head and looked at his sister, who stood with her hands behind her back and seemed to be indifferent. "Your idea?"

Ice shards generously admitted and gave her own explanation. "I've thought about it. Of course, the charm ability is best matched with women. If you disguise yourself as a woman, even if you use your charm openly, the Aoki family will not associate it with you. They wouldn't have thought that li Xianyu not only didn't die, but also became a woman."

After becoming a woman ...

Li Xianyu shuddered. This sentence was too lethal for a straight man.