Saving the female lead

After carefully observing li Xianyu for a moment, calories said in a daze, " "You, you're fine?"

Li Xianyu took out a heart protection mirror that was broken into two pieces from his arms without changing his expression. "I have a protective spiritual artifact. It has done its job."

A protective magical treasure ...

Jenny and calories widened their eyes. Protective spiritual artifacts were very precious, far more precious than weapons. People who owned protective spiritual artifacts were either very powerful or very rich.

The blood Knights once had a very powerful protective spiritual artifact, but it was shattered by the Pope, just like revadin. Weapons could be repaired, but protective magical artifacts couldn't. This was also one of the reasons why it was so precious.

A protective spiritual artifact that could block the attack just now was not an ordinary protective spiritual artifact.

Aren't you a rogue cultivator? didn't you say you were poor?