Li Xianyu, are you okay?

A strong sense of déjà vu rose in his heart. He felt that he was about to remember something, something that he had forgotten.

However, the reality did not allow li peiyun to think too much. His situation was more dangerous than li Xianyu'S. He was facing the siege of hundreds of Paladins, ascetic Knights, and Masters from various departments, among which were two top S-Class.

Forget it, thinking wasn't my Forte to begin with. I should deal with the current situation first and try my best to buy as much time as possible for the Blood Knight and the others.

According to the plan, he and Li Qianyu only needed to stall for time and did not have to worry about anything else.

However, this task was not easy, and it was even very risky. No matter how proud li peiyun was, he also knew that he had two hands and four hands. Even if the church was empty at this time, there was still a great danger for him.