460 escape

"How's your body recovering?"

At dawn, li Xianyu asked with concern in a small dilapidated house.

Opposite him, ice shards was curled up lazily on the sofa. Her head was resting on the sofa's armrest, and she was holding a glass of red wine in her slender hand. From this angle, her side profile looked like a sculpture carved by an artist. She had a tall and perky nose bridge, and her eyebrows were the most popular shape at the moment. Her eyebrows were sharp. Her full lips, her beautifully curved cheeks, and her sparkling skin.

Upon hearing this, she turned her head and gave him a cold look. The red wine reflected the bright light of broken diamonds, as if her eyes had become red crystal diamonds. However, li Xianyu didn't appreciate her beautiful eyes much, and she turned her head back.