The one resurrected might not be my great-grandson (sorry, I put the wrong chapter)

Shangqing sect, Maoshan.

This was the ninth day since dan Yunzi and his sister returned to the country. Counting the time, it happened to be the second day after the Kashub family's banquet ended. They returned to the sect with immortal Ling Bao and the other Taoist seniors.

Shangqing sect had lost a lot of face this time. The unparalleled war spirit made a scene at the Kashub family's dinner. Demon descendants all over the world knew that she still had feelings for her ex. Shangqing sect was completely green.

When they got off the plane, Lingbao Zhenren's expression was strange. He wanted to say something but stopped. The people of Haotian Taoism who accompanied him also had funny expressions. It was very complicated, with both gloating and regret.