
"I didn't see him after work today. I thought he was working overtime again, so I didn't pay attention. But when I finished cooking, it was almost eight o 'clock, and he still hadn't returned. I think he might have gone out for a drink with his friends."

His adoptive father was a hooligan when he was young, and there were three things he liked the most: Fighting, picking up girls, and drinking.

The former two had been removed from his list of hobbies because he was already middle-aged and couldn't control himself. The only thing that remained was the habit of drinking. Sometimes, after work and not going home, it was common to go out with friends for a drink.

"I want to call him to remind him not to drink too late, not to drive, and to take a taxi home. But I couldn't contact him. Your dad's phone was turned off. After that, I called a few of your dad's friends who usually drink with him, and they said they had never seen him before. Your dad never turns off his phone."