Watch how I deal with him

Great-grandma and Thunderbolt battle lady were still sulking and did not intend to pay attention to him. They were not afraid that he would know that they had eavesdropped at the door at night. They wanted him to know, and see if he would dare to follow unscrupulously next time ... A cat mating.

In particular, Thunderbolt battle lady was furious. She didn't want to be brothers with cui Hua on the way.

It was inevitable for li Xianyu to feel guilty, but he didn't feel that he was wrong. The whole world knew that it was Wang Chen who was wrong. What did it have to do with him?

Zhejiang Province was very close to Shanghai, and ice Shard's base No. 2 was far away. It was a thankless task to drive. Fortunately, a high-speed rail station was built in this small county last year. Li Xianyu found it online and was quite surprised. He immediately drove to the ticket station with his harem.