Gangsters in the ballroom

"Before I pick up the pen, I like to be the first one to open it. After I put down my pen, I hope that the person who opens it is you, son, even though you are not one year old yet and are a poor child who can't drink breast milk and can only drink formula milk."

when you open this notebook, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure I'll have already passed away by then. We, father and son, have been talking for 20 years. I hope you will become an upright, kind, and useful person to society in the future."

Seeing this, li Xianyu smiled. This was the first time he smiled in three days, a smile with warmth and sadness.

I hope you will become an upright, kind, and useful person to society in the future " was probably the common wish of parents all over the world for their children. Even if they were extremely evil criminals, they also hoped that their children would become upright, kind, and useful people to society.