Great deities Palace

Time was running away, and time was running away.

Four years had passed in a flash. Mount Niu was not a Scenic Area at that time, but a barren mountain with only three small villages in the mountains to make a living. Usually, outsiders would not come to such a place.

However, at dawn today, Mount Niu welcomed a rare group of Mountaineers. They were dressed as Mountaineers, and there were about a hundred of them. Li Wuxiang and his two brothers were mixed in the crowd and whispered, " Qing Shi, isn't the exploration of the great deities Palace a top secret? why are there so many people? "

The one who asked was Li Xiong.

the three of you can't enter the great deities Palace alone. I borrowed these from my friends. The meaning of their existence is to be a blood bank. The ancient demon answered.

"Blood bank?"