The real great deities Palace

Li Xianyu looked around and found that he was in a strange space. There was a vast space in front and behind him. There were no flowers, no soil, and no stones. There was nothing, so it was very strange.

The ground under his feet was paved with some kind of unknown crystal, and the air was filled with a thick fog and the smell of sulfur.

chicken, you're too beautiful. Chicken, you're too beautiful ... Li Xianyu roared and sang a few lines. A few seconds later, a vague echo came.

He quickly determined that he was in a vast but enclosed space. Only such a space would produce echoes.

it's a pity that I'm not a straight-A student. Otherwise, I would be able to estimate the size of this space based on the speed of sound transmission in the air and the time taken for the Echo to be reflected. Li Xianyu thought regretfully.