Sword light descending from the sky

Extreme Dao!

The test showed that the dark green humanoid creature that entered the great deities Palace to kill baoze employees was a Gokudo master.

How strong was a Gokudo master?

Before the outbreak of the internal strife in the Imperial court, the current demon descendants 'community had little knowledge of Gokudo path. In times of peace, the number of Gokudo path cultivators was rare, and people in the outside world knew nothing about the power of this realm.

Until not long ago, when internal strife broke out in the church, and the believers joined forces to kill the Pope. At that time, it was also a battle formation, led by four peak half-step Gokudo path leaders, the third generation leader of the temple Knights, and the current leader of the ascetic Knights.

In this way, he was almost killed by the Pope. It was li Xianyu who carried ice shards with his true Qi, activated the sword of Qi, and successfully killed the Pope.