Christmas Eve

December 24th, Christmas Eve. Air quality: 175, heavy fog.

It was not suitable to go out, shop, or meditate.

Li Xianyu stood by the window and looked at the pale sky. The mobile phone in his palm dialed Ice Shard's phone, and the electronic female voice repeated, " The number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable ...

We've lost contact with that b * tch. 'Damn it, they're all lies.' She had long known her identity and decided to disappear when she was in Europe. She didn't even come to see her adoptive father before he died. Did she feel sad for the man who had raised her for more than twenty years?

He was in a bad mood. Seeing this kind of foggy weather, li Xianyu remembered when he first opened the gate of heaven, he sucked up the spiritual energy within a radius of tens of meters in one breath, and then was poisoned in the fog and put on an intravenous drip in the hospital for three hours ... His mood became even worse.