The fear of a social butterfly

The Tengu drove the commercial vehicle in the direction of Tokyo. It was already past mealtime, and the time was two in the afternoon. There was not much traffic on the road. She glanced at li Xianyu from the rearview mirror and saw that he was resting with his eyes closed ... Was he sleeping or thinking?

For a rich family like the Aoki family, a free car would cost tens of millions of yen. The anti-shock system was very nice. Sitting in the car, one could almost not feel the car moving. However, the heavenly Hound still subconsciously slowed down to make the car more stable.

Pfft, I'm becoming more and more like a Lackey.

From time to time, he looked at li Xianyu's face through the rearview mirror. His eyebrows were sharp, and his facial features were regular. When he closed his eyes and did not speak, he revealed a rebellious and arrogant temperament.

For a moment, the heavenly Hound's heart skipped a beat as it thought of its first love ...