Repaying with her body

"Where are they? What about the top S-Class of Tian Shen temple? Where are they?"

When their vision recovered from the influence of the white light, the three top S-Class members of the Tian Shen temple had disappeared. However, at this time, no one had expected that they would be turned into ashes by the sword of Qi.

"Are they hiding?"

The people of Tian Shen temple and the Kobayashi family turned around and looked for the three top S-Class figures. As time passed, they did not find any of the top S-Class figures of Tian Shen temple, nor did they see the sneak attack as expected.

"Could, could it be ... Did they die in the white light just now?" Someone's Adam's apple moved as he made a bold guess.

"What? Just that moment? Three top S-Class Warriors are dead!"