Pursuit (2)

Cui Hua quietly walked like a cat and slowly approached the entrance. Behind her was San Wu, who had taken out the modified Desert Eagle to support her at any time.

The desert Eagle in San Wu's hands was a weapon that baoze developed by combining the characteristics of hot weapons and magic weapons. The bullet was engraved with a spell that could be used to break evil and air shields. The bullet was integrated with a drug that suppressed the activity of demon descendants 'cells.

Coupled with her precision strike ability, as long as she hit the target, it would be enough to make the other party suffer.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang, and a melodious girl's voice came through. "Mohist, Mohist, is anyone there?"

Cui Hua turned her head and subconsciously looked at the crowd with a pleading look. She realized that li Xianyu was not present. In the absence of great-grandma Hua Yang and Li Xianyu, she was the only cat in the team who made the decision.