The seal

Li Xianyu connected with cui Hua in mid-air and landed on her back. The giant multicolored cat's limbs kicked off and it flew away at lightning speed.

Cui Hua landed lightly on the deck. Li Xianyu immediately jumped down and rushed to the deck. Seeing that he was so nervous about Aoki Yui, cui Hua raised her front paw and patted the Elm deck unhappily.

After li Xianyu entered the cabin, he glanced at Aoki Yui and determined that her life was not in danger for the time being. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the sofa. His fingers pinched the space between his eyebrows, and he closed his eyes with a painful expression.

mother Hua Yang, I can't hold on much longer. My head hurts. Li Xianyu resisted the desire to vomit and suddenly felt like he was back in middle school, after the long-distance running test.

He had been enduring the pain, the pain of his brain being hit by a needle. He didn't dare to let Gu Yao see any flaws.